In this article, we will focus on HDPE (high-density polyethylene) geocells, a three-dimensional honeycomb restraint system widely used in civil engineering and geotechnical engineering applications. This article focuses on the structure of the geocell, the working principle of the material itself, and the application areas of the project. I hope it will be helpful to you who are learning about geocells.

BPM Geosynthetics is the leading geocell manufacturer and supplier, we offer a wide range of geocell products at best factory price.

1. What Is HDPE Geocell?

HDPE geocell, short for high-density polyethylene geocell, is a versatile and innovative solution used in civil and geotechnical applications. It consists of a three-dimensional honeycomb structure made from strips or sheets of high-density polyethylene material, which are welded or joined together. This unique design provides a cost-effective and reliable method for slope stabilization and load support in various projects.

The foundation of HDPE geocell is typically made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), a durable and robust material that is ultrasonically welded into a honeycomb shape. The geocell can be folded flexibly during transportation, offering convenience and ease of handling. Once on-site, it can be quickly deployed and expanded to its full size.

HDPE geocells find widespread application in erosion control, soil stabilization on both flat and steep slopes, channel protection, and structural reinforcement for load support and earth conservation. They are especially useful in areas prone to erosion or where the terrain requires additional support and stabilization.

A typical honeycomb restraint system involves the use of geosynthetic materials, such as HDPE strips or a novel polymer alloy (NPA), which are ultrasonically welded to form the honeycomb structure. This structure is then filled with various materials, including sand, soil, rock, gravel, or even concrete, depending on the specific project requirements. The infill material provides additional stability and load-bearing capacity to the geocell system.

The benefits of HDPE geocell systems include their ability to distribute load effectively, reduce soil erosion, enhance slope stability, and provide long-term durability. They are also resistant to chemical degradation and have a high load-bearing capacity, making them suitable for a wide range of geotechnical applications.

HDPE geocell is a three-dimensional honeycomb restraint system made from high-density polyethylene material. Its versatility and cost-effectiveness make it a popular choice for slope stabilization, erosion control, and load support in civil and geotechnical projects. With its unique design and durable construction, HDPE geocell provides reliable and long-lasting solutions for various engineering challenges.

HDPE Geocell for Road Construction
What is HDPE Geocell For Sale

2. What Are Types of Geocells

In the geotechnical materials market, geocells are typically categorized into two types: perforated geocells and non-perforated geocells. Each type serves specific purposes and offers distinct advantages in various applications.

2.1 Perforated Geocells

Perforated geocells are designed with regularly spaced holes or perforations throughout their structure. These openings allow for natural drainage of water and air, promoting better water flow and reducing hydrostatic pressure within the geocell system. The perforations also contribute to superior stress distribution, ensuring even load sharing across the structure. Perforated geocells are commonly used in applications where efficient drainage is essential, such as slope stabilization, retaining walls, and erosion control in areas with high water flow.

2.2 Non-Perforated Geocells

Non-perforated geocells, on the other hand, have smooth solid walls without any openings or perforations. They are often used in conjunction with traditional drainage systems, such as pipes or channels, to manage water flow. Non-perforated geocells function as a containment system, confining and stabilizing infill materials while working in tandem with the existing drainage infrastructure. These geocells are commonly applied in load support applications, such as road and railway construction, where the emphasis is on enhancing the structural stability and distributing loads effectively.

While our geocell products are generally perforated, we can also provide custom designs to accommodate specific water supply systems if needed. This flexibility allows for tailored solutions that can integrate with existing drainage setups and meet project requirements effectively.

Perforated geocells offer enhanced drainage capabilities and stress distribution, making them suitable for applications where water flow management and load sharing are crucial. Non-perforated geocells, on the other hand, work in conjunction with traditional drainage systems, focusing on confinement and load support. The choice between these types depends on the specific project needs and the desired performance characteristics.

3. How does a geocell work?

Geocell forms a new composite solid soil when filled with compacted soil, and the mechanical and geotechnical properties that can be enhanced by the geocell. When the soil in the geocell is under pressure, as in the case of a load support application, the geocell can create lateral stresses on the perimeter cell walls. The 3D confinement area reduces the lateral movement of the soil particles, while the vertical load on the included fill results in high lateral stresses and resistance at the cell soil interface. These increase the shear strength of the confined soil, creating a hard soil or slab to spread the load over a wider area. Geocell reduces punching shear in soft soils, increases shear strength and load-bearing capacity, and reduces soil deformation. The restriction of the adjacent geocell provides additional resistance against the load geocell through passive resistance, while the lateral expansion of the infill is limited by the high hoop strength. Compaction is maintained by restraint for long-term reinforcement.

At the project installation site, you can see that the geocells are partially fastened together and placed directly on the surface of the subsoil or placed on the geotextile on the surface of the subgrade, and are opened by external components in an accordion-like support. These sections expand into an area of several tens of meters and consist of hundreds of individual cells, depending on the size of the section and the cell. The engineer then fills with a variety of filler materials, such as soil, sand, aggregates, or recycled materials, and then compacts them using a vibratory compactor. Many of the surface layers are bitumen or unbonded gravel materials.

HDPE Geocell Manufacturers
What Is HDPE Geocell

5. What Projects Is HDPE Geocell Used For?

5.1 Road load support

Geocell has been used to improve the performance of paved and unpaved roads by reinforcing the soil within the subgrade or base layer. Geocell’s payload distribution creates a strong, rigid honeycomb mattress. This 3D geocell reduces the vertical uneven settlement of the soft subgrade, improves the shear strength, and enhances the load-bearing capacity, while reducing the amount of aggregate required and extending the life of the road. As a composite system, the honeycomb restriction enhances aggregate filling, which simultaneously enables filling with poorly graded inferior materials, such as local native soil, quarry waste, or recycled materials, and reduces structural support layer thickness. Typical load shoring applications include flexible pavement base and foundation reinforcement, including asphalt pavement, unpaved access, service and haul roads, military roads, railway substructures and ballast restrictions, working platforms in intermodal ports, airport runways and aprons, permeable pavements, pipeline shoring, green parking facilities and emergency access areas.

5.2 Protection against steep dirt slopes and river channels

Geocell’s three-dimensional lateral confinement, as well as anchoring technology, ensures the long-term stability of slopes using vegetated topsoil, aggregates, or concrete surface courses if exposed to severe mechanical and hydraulic stress. Geocell’s enhanced drainage, friction, and soil-plant interactions prevent downhill movement and limit the effects of raindrops, trenches, and hydraulic shear stresses. The perforation in the 3D geocell allows the passage of water, nutrients, and soil organisms. This promotes plant growth and root interlocking, further stabilizes slope and soil quality, and facilitates landscape restoration. Typical applications include: building cut-and-fill slopes and stabilization, road and rail embankments, pipeline stabilization and storage facility berms, quarry and mine rehabilitation, and strait and shoreline structures. They can be built as underlying blocks or finishes.

5.3 Retaining walls

Geocell provides steep vertical mechanically stabilized earth structures (gravity walls or reinforced walls) for steep faces, walls, and irregular terrain. Geocell soil retaining construction is simplified because each layer is structurally sound, providing access for equipment and workers, while eliminating the need for concrete formwork and curing. When suitable and granular, local soil can be used for filling, while the outer surface makes use of topsoil to make possible the green or tan frieze of the horizontal terraces. Walls can also be used to line passages, and in the case of high flow rates, external units are required to contain concrete or grout filling. Geocell has been used to reinforce soft or uneven soil foundations for large area foundations, strip foundations for retaining walls, load distribution for pipe coverings, and other geotechnical applications.

5.4 Reservoirs and landfills

Geocell provides geomembrane protection while creating stable soil, berms, and slopes for non-slip protection and long-lasting accumulation of liquids and waste. The filling treatment depends on the materials contained: concrete for ponds and reservoirs, gravel for landfill drainage and leachate, vegetation filling for landscape restoration. Concrete construction is efficient and controlled thanks to the role of the geocell as a ready-made formwork, which forms a flexible plate with the concrete that accommodates slight subgrade movement and prevents cracking. At low to medium flow rates, geocells with geomembranes and gravel overburden can be used to create impermeable channels, eliminating the need for concrete.

HDPE geocell is a multifunctional geotechnical engineering material. It has a wide range of applications in the future and is widely used in highway infrastructure, slope protection, retaining walls and landfills.