Geosynthetic fabric technical seminar was held in Beijing China from May 10 to May 12, 2018. BPM had attended geosynthetic fabric products training class organized by China National chemical testing center of China.

BPM Geosynthetics Attended Geosynthetic Fabric Technical Seminar in Beijing

BPM Geosynthetics, a leading provider of geosynthetic fabric products and services, recently participated in a geosynthetic fabric technical seminar held in Beijing. The company has been dedicated to supplying comprehensive solutions to global customers since its establishment in 2007. With a team of over 120 professionals and a manufacturing factory spanning 16,000 square meters, equipped with state-of-the-art production lines, BPM is committed to delivering innovative and high-quality geosynthetic fabric products.

As part of their commitment to quality, BPM sent their quality control inspectors to attend a training session and engage in discussions with teachers from the China National Chemical Testing Center. This collaboration aimed to enhance their testing capabilities and ensure the highest standard of product quality. The China National Chemical Testing Center is a government-approved third-party testing organization equipped with a range of advanced testing machines specifically designed for geosynthetic fabric products. BPM regularly sends finished samples to this center for third-party inspections, further demonstrating their dedication to providing reliable and verified products to their customers.

By actively participating in technical seminars and collaborating with reputable testing organizations, BPM Geosynthetics strives to continually improve their products and services, ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining their position as a trusted provider in the geosynthetic fabric industry.

Technical Seminar for Geosynthetic Fabric Products in civil engineering was held in China
Technical Seminar for Geosynthetic Fabric Products in civil engineering was held in Beijing China
Technical Seminar for Geosynthetic Fabric in civil engineering was held in Beijing

Main Content of Geosynthetic Fabric Technical Seminar

The geosynthetic fabric technical seminar consisted of two main parts. The first part focused on studying the detection methods and attention to detail for geomembrane, geotextile, and GCL (Geosynthetic Clay Liners). Through this section, participants gained valuable skills and techniques for testing geosynthetic products. As a result, stricter and more accurate testing will be implemented in future inspection processes, ensuring that substandard products are identified and prevented from being delivered.

The second part of the seminar involved visiting the testing center, where attendees witnessed the precise work procedures carried out by the professionals. This experience inspired the commitment to implementing precise and standardized testing processes within the company, thereby enhancing the control of product quality.

Moving forward, BPM company plans to actively participate in similar geosynthetic technical exchange conferences. By producing high-quality geosynthetic products and gaining recognition worldwide, BPM aims to establish a strong reputation in the industry.

BPM is not only manufacturing best quality geosynthetics, geomembrane, geotextile products but also providing professional design and installation service. OEM and ODM are also available. If you have any questions or inquiries,  please contact us, we will reply as soon as possible.